Administrative Offices
Office of the Dean
513 Parnassus Ave., S630, Box 0430
San Francisco, CA 94143
415.476.1323 (voice)
415.476.4226 (fax)
Academic Affairs
513 Parnassus Ave., S630, Box 0430
San Francisco, CA 94143
415.476.1323 (voice)
415.476.4226 (fax)
707 Parnassus Ave, D4010
San Francisco, CA 94143
415.476.2737 (voice)
Staff Postings
Academic Postings
Development and Alumni Relations
UCSF Box 0248
San Francisco, CA 94143
Educational Services/Student Records
707 Parnassus Ave., D4010, Box 0636
San Francisco, CA 94143
415.476.0855 (voice)