A native of the Bay Area, Sara is excited and proud to be doing her pediatric dental residency at the school of her dreams, UCSF!
As a soon to be pediatric dentist, with a background in Neuroscience, a Masters degree in Business Administration, a Dental Degree from Roseman College of Dental Medicine in Utah, combined with a Masters in Public Health Sara is eager to use her unique background and be a positive force in the world of organized dentistry and academics. This all stemmed from her involvement in medical missions across the world where she witnessed unimaginable levels of poverty and its long lasting impact on the underserved and underdeveloped areas of the world. Outside of dentistry she loves to listen to audiobooks, explore asian cuisine, pretend to love hiking, and most of all showering her newborn with love. Sara’s hope is to inspire her patients and community as much as they inspire her, and live a life of positivity, gratitude, and grace.